Monday, 4 June 2012

The Following is a List of The 10 Major Royal Rajput
Suryavanshi Rajput -- Suryavanshi rajputs trace their lineage to the Vedic Sun - Surya. Lord Rama was also born in this lineage. Suryavanshi rajputs ruled over Mewar, Marwar, Amber, etc. Raghuvanshi Rajput--A Raghav Rajput is a member of one of the major Suryavanshi Rajput clans of India who ruled a number of kingdoms and princely states. Raghav is the oldest Suryavanshi Rajput clan. They enjoy a reputation as rulers and soldiers. The Raghav population and the former Rajput states are found spread through much the subcontinent, particularly in North India and central India. The Raghav are the forefathers of many Suryavanshi Rajput clans such as the Sisodiyas, Kachwahas, and Minhass. Their kuldevta (family deity) is Lord Rama and their kuldevi (goddess) is Sita.
  Nagvanshi Rajput --
 The Nagavanshi dynasty is one of the ancient Kshatriya dynasties of India. The Vedas do not mention Kshatriyas of either Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi, Nagavanshi, Agnivanshi or such Vanshas or lineages. The Puranas, of debatable dating, constructed such genealogies. The Puranas were supposedly written from the Gupta Period onwards See: Puranas. Bhavishyapuran mentions 12 heavenly serpents like Takshak, Vasuki, Sheshnag, Anantnag etc. and Swastik as the weapon of Takshak. Swastik is a sacred symbol for Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. On Hindu temples and homes, statues of the Buddha and Mahavir swastik symbol is quite common. Divine serpent Sheshnag is considered as the throne of lord Vishnu. While lord Shiva is always shown with a serpent around neck. All those things clearly indicate relationship between Nagavanshi dynasties and present Indian society. A copper plate inscription from the Gupta Period relates to the Nagas being elevated to Kshatriya-hood 26. The copper plates of this period relate to the Nagas being defeated by the Guptas; and subsequently being married into them. One example is that of the King Chandragupta I who married Queen Kuber Naga. The Nagas were mentioned as a non-aryan snake worshipping tribe of ancient India 27. However, puranic legends constructed the genealogy of the Nagavanshis as a sub-clan of Suryavansha.
  Chandravanshi Rajput -- Somvanshi/Chandravanshi rajputs descended from Som (the vedic deity Soma or Moon). Chandravanshi and Yaduvanshi are from the same line which bifurcated at King Yadu when his father banished him from becoming the king. Gujarat, Jaisalmer was ruled by Chandravanshi rajputs. The Yaduvanshi trace there lineage to Lord Krishn
  Rathore Rajput --The Rathore are a major Rajput clan originally descended from the Gahadvala Dynasty in Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh. At the time of the end of the British Raj in 1947 they were rulers in 14 different princely states in Marwar, Jangladesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. The largest and oldest among these was Jodhpur, in Marwar and Bikaner. The Maharaja of Jodhpur is regarded as the head of the extended Rathore clan of Hindu Rajputs. Today the clan is numerous and spread over a wide geographical area. Many Rathores have pursued successful careers in politics. At the time of Todd's list in 1820, the Rathore clan had 24 branches, including the Barmera, Bika, Boola, Champawat, Dangi, Jaitawat, Jaitmallot, Jodha, Khabaria, Khokhar, Kotaria, Kumpawat, Mahecha, Mertiya, Pokharan, Mohania, Mopa, Randa, Sagawat, Sihamalot, Sunda, Udawat, Vanar, and Vikramayat.
 Chauhan Rajput --The Chauhan (also spelled as Nirwan) are of Agnivanshi lineage. Their state was initially centered around khetri, khandela, alsisar malsisar, srimadhopur, alwar, jhunjhunu, sikar, churu, According to legend and clan history, the Nirwan are with Maharana Pratap against Akbar in Haldighati Battle. Nirwan's have many gotras, most of these gotras are Baloji, Pithoraji, Kaluji. Vaishya Rajput
Senger Rajput 
Gautam Rajput
Garhwali Rajput

1 comment:

  1. Nice Information .. I am brijesh chandravanshi. Join me at facebbok
